The rain is showing no signs of stopping. I hope you've prepared yourselves for the worst case scenario while hoping and praying for the best. A few of my friends have had to evacuate their homes and head for higher ground. It's just really sad.
Whether you live in a high rise apartment or next to the river, always have an Emergency Kit handy. Make sure it includes:
- Water (Store 1 gallon per person x 3 days)
- Food (Good for at least 3 days per person; non-refrigerated, low salt, minimal cooking such as canned or dried fruit, vegetables, crackers, cereal, nuts, canned food, bottled/boxed/canned juice)
- Cooking supplies
- Plates and Utensils
- Manual Can Opener
- First Aid Kit (disposable gloves; soap; bandages; towelettes; scissors; eye wash solution; basic over-the-counter medicines like paracetamol, antihistamine, anti-diarrhea; prescription medications; medical monitoring equipment)
- Copies of important documents and phone numbers
- Set of clothes and rain gear for each person (from undies to shoes)
- Personal hygiene items
- Rubber gloves and rain boots
- Disposable camera
- Duct tape & utility knife
- Heavy duty rope
- Lighter
- Candles
- Blankets
- Plastic bags
Prepare a backpack, properly labeled for each family member, in case you need to evacuate quickly. Each bag should contain:
- Flashlight
- Batteries
- Radio
- Whistle
- Dust mask
- Utility Knife
- Cash in small denominations
- A set of clothes & shoes
- Bottled Water & Food
- Paper, permanent markers, tape
- Photos of family members for identification
- List of emergency numbers
- Copy of identification cards and health documents
- Medicine Kit
- Personal hygiene kit
- Extra keys to house and cars
Make sure these emergency numbers are saved on your phone and written down somewhere as well:
And don't leave your place unless absolutely necessary.
This really isn't the best time to be mucking around Manila.
Stay safe and dry everyone.